There are only a month and a few days left in 2024, and my goal is to keep publishing weekly updates until the end of the year. By the time you read this, it will be Thanksgiving in the United States, a time of the year when we are thankful and spend time with our families.
First, I want to thank you for reading this newsletter; I hope you find it useful. It certainly has become quite a database of resources for me, at the very least, and I use these posts all the time when training and mentoring people.

Now, I’d like to know what you think of the new format I have used a few times lately (example here) compared to the “old” format (example here). What I like about the new format is that I suggest essential topics to revisit rather than covering just new features and tutorials on specific topics. It’s more broad as a result, and there are probably more interesting topics every week.
In any case, if you’re thankful for this newsletter or have any feedback or ideas to share, let me know. I read and respond to every email.
Happy Thanksgiving if that’s something you’re celebrating, and since Thanksgiving is followed by Black Friday, you can get up to 54% off any certification and training package at!