When to create a directive vs. a component?

Most Angular applications are composed of a majority of components and just a few directives if any. Today, I’d like to show you an example where a directive makes much more sense than a component.

Consider the following component template:

We have created a component tied to one single HTML element (button), and all the logic in that template is about changing attribute values (for the isActive class and the disabled attribute).

To achieve this, we needed three specialized inputs that resulted in a loss of reusability:

The above isn’t ideal because:

  • Our button can only display text, not any HTML (so no icons, for instance)
  • Our button assumes that its state always depends on saved and hasError, but what if we want to add a third variable to the mix for other use cases?

Let’s create a directive instead:

Which would be used like so:

This implementation is a lot better because:

  • It would work with any HTML element, not just buttons (assuming the element supports disabled properly)
  • The button can display anything, not just text
  • The criteria for isActive to be true depends on the use case and isn’t tied to just saved and hasError.

The point here is that using a directive in that scenario made our code more flexible, and as a result, more reusable. That’s why popular component libraries rely heavily on directives rather than components. Here’s an example from the Angular Material documentation:

You can see that mat-button is a directive, not a component. That way, it can be used with a button or an a tag. You can find the example code of this post on Stackblitz.

Think about this the next time you’re tempted to create a component with one or two lines of HTML in its template. Most likely, what you need instead is a directive.

Check out this tutorial for another example of a directive that makes perfect sense instead of using a component.

RxJs forkJoin operator

Our weekly RxJs operator is forkJoin. This operator can be applied to any number of Observables. When all these Observables complete, forkJoin emits the last value from each one of them.

A common use case for forkJoin is when we need to trigger several HTTP requests in parallel with the HttpClient then receive all of the responses at once in an array of responses:

The critical feature here is that those requests happen simultaneously, not one after the other (better performance), yet we receive the data when both have completed, which is convenient.

Another interesting syntax for forkJoin is to pass an object instead of an array as follows:

Here is a complete example of forkJoin in action.

As a reminder, my 2-hour RxJS workshop from ng-conf 2022 is also available on Youtube for free!

How to generate DTOs for data objects?

Yesterday, we saw how to use json2ts to generate type definitions for our Angular applications. In addition, we saw that interfaces are optimal for performance reasons. Yet, the caveat with interfaces is that they can’t act as a Data Transfer Object (DTO) on their own to change the data you’re dealing with, nor do they perform any runtime checks.

As a result, some people might prefer to use Quicktype over json2ts as it has more configuration options when generating code from a JSON string:

As you can see, those options enable additional capabilities, such as using union types instead of enums (as recommended earlier), throwing errors if an object you’re parsing doesn’t have the right shape, and even some DTO operations such as using camel case instead of underscore in property names.

Of course, you can tweak that generated code and add additional DTO rules as needed.

Quicktype also supports languages other than TypeScript, so you could use that same tool to generate the server-side types for your data in Java, C#, or Python, for instance.

How to generate type definitions for TypeScript?

This week, we have been looking at union types and the downsides of using any or unknown when we don’t have any accurate type information.

Today, let’s look at how to generate type information out of any JSON data. The first tool I want to mention is json2ts.com, a website where you can copy-paste any chunk of JSON syntax and get a fully-typed output of interfaces with inferred types and everything.

For instance, if I copy-paste the following JSON into json2ts:

We get the following set of interfaces ready to be used in our code:

The more data you give to json2ts, the more precise it is. For instance, if you give it an array of similar objects, json2ts can identify if some properties are optional or support multiple different types.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that interfaces are better than classes to describe type information because they do not get compiled into anything at all (like union types), thus bringing type safety to your code without making your production code bigger.

Union types in TypeScript

Yesterday, we talked about any, unknown, and the pros and cons of using such types.

Today, let’s focus on union types, an alternative to enums that are more performant and flexible to describe custom types. Let’s assume we need to support different currencies in our application. Since currencies are mostly a code/symbol, we could take the easy route and do the following:

But this doesn’t help us much. For example, is any string a valid currency? Definitely not. So a better option would be to create an enum for it and describe all possible values in it:

Now we have a proper type to describe what a Currency is. But enums aren’t that convenient because they can’t be used as-is in an Angular component template, requiring some workarounds. Also, they get compiled into a monster structure of JavaScript that increases the size of your code bundle for no valid reason since we don’t have type-checking at runtime in the browser.

Enter union types

Union types solve all these problems. They’re lightweight and do not get compiled into anything at all, which means they’re always more performant than enums (less code to download + less code to interpret = faster app in the browser). They guarantee type safety and can be made out of anything, including strings:

A lot more can be done with union types, such as having more options than just one single type for a given variable:

Angular uses union types a lot. For instance, if you’ve ever used the canActivate router guard, its signature supports up to 6 different return types, all defined with union types:

And we can have unions of union types when more granularity is needed with specific sub-types:

TypeScript: any vs. unknown

TypeScript has some abstract types that can be helpful in Angular applications. Most people have encountered the type any at some point, and it has become a typical anti-pattern in several projects where developers decided: “I don’t want to bother using proper types for this object, so I’ll use any.

Here is why any is dangerous and not recommended:

Now, if we replace any with unknown, things look different:

As you can see, unknown preserves type safety. If we receive an object from a third-party library and need to pass it around to another function, unknown is perfect for that.

One way to think about unknown is: We have this object that we don’t know what’s inside, so we won’t allow touching it; we’ll store it or pass it around.

I can’t think of good reasons why we would need to use any in Angular code at this point. Using any is refusing to use TypeScript properly and falling back to untyped JavaScript.

In the next few days, we’ll cover different techniques and tools we can use to create accurate type information so we don’t need any or unknown anymore.

Change detection for Angular components

Angular comes with two component change detection strategies: default and onPush.

Default is used by default: Angular will check if your component needs to be refreshed every time something happens in the browser. Zone.js triggers such change detection by notifying Angular when a DOM event happens (someone clicked on a button) or a setTimeout completes, or an HTTP request completes.

In other words, any time a callback function runs in the browser, Angular will check if our components need to be re-rendered with new data.

With onPush, the change detection behavior changes. onPush indicates that our component only relies on inputs to display data (in other words – it’s a presentation component) and that DOM events or HTTP requests do not impact the HTML rendering of that component.

As a result, you can use onPush to improve the performance of your presentation components, which is another good reason to follow the presentation vs. container components approach covered yesterday. The official documentation here shows an in-depth dive into change detection strategies.

Container vs. Presentation Components

One of the fundamental concepts of component architecture in Angular applications is to find the right balance between container and presentation components.

Let’s define what those are:

  • Presentation components are reusable, simple pieces of UI. Think buttons, dialogs, cards, nav bars, etc.
  • Container components are the exact opposite: They’re not reusable. They’re tied to a specific use case. Those are usually entire screens or sub-screens, the app component, etc.

From a code standpoint, container components use services to interact with the back end. Such components know where to get the data using those services and then feed that data to their children using inputs, which are presentation components:

A simple way to identify those components is that presentation components only have inputs and outputs, no dependency injection. Container components have dependencies injected and most likely no inputs or outputs.

When to use container vs. presentation components?

Suppose you have components that are good candidates to become presentation components but are using services. In that case, you can most likely inject that service in its parent container and then pass the data to said component using an input. That way, your presentation component will be reusable in other places without being tied to a specific use case.

Of course, just like with any best practice, there are exceptions to consider. There are times when reusability makes sense and others when it does not. Do not force your components into one of these categories if it doesn’t make sense, but give it a try if it’s a quick win. Your application architecture (and possibly performance – stay tuned for more on that soon) will thank you later.

How to mock your entire backend server?

This is the last post in our series on mocking data for testing purposes. So far, we have seen how to generate mock data using Mockaroo and then how to incorporate such fake data in our Angular application.

Today, let’s push this one step further and use that same JSON data to mock our entire backend server, including CRUD (CReate Update Delete) operations, so you can also test data updates.

Enter JSON Server

JSON server is a small npm library that reads a JSON file and turns it automatically into a RESTful web server. Yes, you read that right: All we need as input is our JSON data in a file!

The format of that JSON is one single object where each property will be turned into a backend endpoint. So, for instance, say you need to support two types of data: users and teams.

Then your JSON database will look like this:

   "users": [ 
      // Array of all users data
   "teams": [ 
      // Array of all teams data
}Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

You would substitute those arrays with the mock data generated with Mockaroo, and then running JSON server would give you the following RESTful API:

  • HTTP GET /users => Returns the list of all users
  • HTTP GET /users/21 => Returns the user with id = 21
  • HTTP POST /user => Creates a new user
  • HTTP DELETE /user/21 => Deletes the user with id = 21
  • HTTP PUT /user/21 => Updates the user with id = 21

JSON server also supports pagination, full-text search, and custom routes if you want to add more endpoints to your test backend. Any changes you make to your data persist in your JSON file, too. This means you have a single file database for testing purposes, which is excellent!

If you want to try it, here is a complete tutorial on how to use JSON server with Angular apps. The getting started section of the npm package is also very well documented.

How to use mock data in your Angular application?

Our last newsletter covered how to generate mock data for our Angular applications with Mockaroo.

Today, we’ll cover how to use that data in our apps so it can:

  • Act as a temporary backend implementation so you can build your Angular components before the backend API is ready.
  • Use that data as mocks for your unit tests.

Using hard-coded data in our Angular apps

Let’s say we need to display a list of users in a component, but the backend doesn’t have that data ready yet, or we want to try it with fake data. We head to Mockaroo, generate a JSON file with 100 users, and then copy-paste that JSON string and assign it to a constant in our code (example here – all links in the rest of this post go to the source code of the mentioned file as well):

Then we want to access that data using a service. We already have a UserService that’s using our backend, but we want to replace that call with our fake data:

So we generate a new FakeUserService that has the same shape as UserService, but is returning a custom Observable of our mock data instead of making an HTTP request:

Finally, we change the dependency injection configuration in our AppModule so that the application uses FakeUserService instead of UserService:

And now, our AppComponent believes it’s using a real UserService, but is actually getting a FakeUserService from the Angular injector:

What’s nice and clean about that approach is that you don’t have to change any of your components. The only line of code to change to enable/disable your mock data is the providers config in AppModule. That’s it! You can access the entire code for this example on Stackblitz.

Using that same hard-coded data in our unit tests

Once you follow the above approach, using that data in your unit tests will be very similar. We can reuse that same FakeUserService by configuring the Angular TestBed in our unit tests as follows: