RxJs subscribe callback functions

At this point, it is safe to assume that most Angular developers know about the following syntax. That’s how we subscribe to an Observable to receive its data:

If you’ve been reading this newsletter for long enough, you already know that there are better ways to subscribe to Observables and that there are no excuses for not using these techniques.

That said, it’s always good to know about all our available options. So here is another possible syntax:

The above syntax registers three different callback functions:

  • The first one is the same as in our first example – this is where the Observable data goes.
  • The second one is an error handler. Any exception thrown by the Observable would get caught by that callback.
  • The third callback function is invoked when the Observable completes, which means it won’t emit any more value.

Note that while that syntax still works (for now), it has been deprecated in favor of a more explicit syntax, where an object is passed. Each callback is attached to a named property, making the purpose of these callbacks more obvious:

Skeleton loaders with Angular

Skeleton loaders are grey-shaded shapes that indicate when a part of the screen is loading. Here is an example of skeleton loaders for Facebook:

ngx-skeleton-loader is a small component library that does just that. It gives us access to different skeleton loaders ready to be used in our applications:

What’s nice about that library is that we can customize different aspects of the skeletons, such as animations and colors. You can find some live examples here.

If you want to explore skeleton loaders for your application, feel free to look at my popular tutorial: How to use a skeleton loader with Angular?

The tutorial has several code examples that can be used as-is.

Two ways to update Angular Signals

Yesterday, I wrote about some best practices around exposing a Signal in our Angular applications. Let’s now take a look at the two different ways a Signal can be updated.


The easiest way to update a Signal is the set() method. Nice and easy for basic data types such as strings or booleans:


When the new value of a Signal depends on its previous value, update() is the best method to use. This is the ideal method for a counter, for instance:

Here is how to increment the counter based on its current value:


  • When you need to update a simple value (string, number, boolean), use set().
  • If that new value is based on the previous one, use update() instead of set()

Anti-pattern series: Not unsubscribing from Observables

We covered this in our newsletter before: Observables can cause memory leaks if we don’t unsubscribe from them.

Before Angular 16, there were a few different techniques available to unsubscribe automatically, the best of those being the async pipe (and yes, it’s possible to use the async pipe 100% of the time if you use the tricks highlighted here – no excuses).

With Angular 16, things are even better, as you can use the new takeUntilDestroyed operator as follows:

But here’s my million-dollar tip for today: Instead of using takeUntilDestroyed in your components, use it in the services that expose such Observables:

That way, whether you use an async pipe or not, your components are covered. That’s one of the nice things about Observables: We can change them whenever and wherever we want using pipe(), including in our services – so that all subscribers benefit from that change downstream.

mergeMap RxJs operator

A few months back, we covered the switchMap operator from RxJs. Today, let’s look at a similar operator called mergeMap:

The marble diagram isn’t as obvious as it is for other operators, so let’s clarify what mergeMap does:

  • It takes values from an observable and maps them to another observable
  • Then it allows us to combine the values from both observables into one new observable

What’s a real-life use case for mergeMap?

Let’s say you want to display a list of products with their associated categories. The product information is stored in one API endpoint, and the category information is stored in another API endpoint. To display the list of products with their categories, you need to make a separate API call for each product to retrieve its category information.

You can use mergeMap to combine the two API calls and merge the results into a single stream of data (product + category).

How is it different from switchMap?

mergeMap differs from switchMap in two important ways:

  1. switchMap only returns the data from observable #2 – mergeMap returns data from both observable #1 and #2 and allows us to combine that data any way we want
  2. switchMap cancels observable #2 whenever observable #1 emits a new value, then re-creates another observable #2. mergeMap doesn’t do that.

In other words, switchMap is perfect when we want to chain asynchronous actions such as “user selects a new filter, then we request new data according to that filter” because if the user changes that filter again, we want to cancel the previous request and start a new one.

Angular at Google I/O

This a very short post today as I spent most of my day at Google I/O, the annual conference where Google announces all sorts of updates ranging from AI to Android to Web, including Angular.

The Angular team had a few talks on Angular 16, all of which are now available on YouTube so that you can watch them too:

They also published a list of shorter videos (2 to 6 minutes) on Angular 16.

Signals: Why and when do we need them?

With the release of Angular 16, Signals are now available as a developer preview, which means we can start learning about Signals, testing them, and possibly adopting them.

The end goal of Signals is simple: Improve change detection in the Angular framework by removing the need for Zone.js. A signal-based application will be able to update individual views (a view is a sub-set of a component template — we create new views every time we use structural directives such as ngIf or ngFor) one by one instead of checking the entire component tree, enabling laser-focused updates of our DOM.

A secondary goal is to make Angular easier to learn by making RxJs less critical than before, which also applies to state management libraries such as NgRx or NgXs. In other words, we can rely less on operators, subjects, and the like.

Now that we covered the why, let’s talk about when to use signals. To get the full benefit of Signals in the long run, using them everywhere we have Observables or data bindings makes sense. I know this sounds like a lot of work, but that’s how we can get to a point where Angular can tell exactly which components must be updated when a value changes, no matter their location in the DOM tree.

An upcoming feature of Angular (v17 or later) will be signal-based components, where inputs, outputs, and even two-way bindings will be expressed as Signals:

I believe it makes sense to start using Signals as soon as possible. The base API is available in Angular 16 and is easy to learn. I already published a course that will be continuously updated as Signals evolve.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to send me your questions. I’ll be covering more about Signals as part of this newsletter.

Anti-pattern series: Calling a method in a template

If you’re calling a method/function in the HTML template of any of your components, try the following experiment: Add a console.log("here") inside that method.

Then, interact with your application by clicking around, entering information in a form, etc. What you’ll see in your console is something like this:

Why is this happening? Angular’s change detection runs every time an event occurs in the browser. Zone.js tells Angular that “something happened” when we interact with an Angular application. Then, Angular checks its component tree for updates. If you’re using methods in your HTML templates, the only way for Angular to see if the output of that method has changed is to… call it again.

As a result, using methods in your HTML templates is not recommended. Doing so can impact performance negatively. Instead, use bindings to class properties as follows:



Note that if you need to call a method/function to perform some formatting, you should create a custom pipe. Pipes are designed to run only when their input data changes, which means they are optimized for best performance by default.

You can take a look at an example here on Stackblitz. I added a console.log("here") inside my custom pipe to showcase that it runs only once:

Angular Documentation Tricks

If you use Angular, you’re most likely familiar with the Angular website: https://angular.io.

But did you know that you access the documentation of a previous framework version by using the version number as a prefix, such as https://v14.angular.io?

Even better, you can get a glimpse of the future with https://next.angular.io or take a look at the current Release Candidate version: https://rc.angular.io.

Also, the header of the website has a different color whenever you’re not on the current version:

The red header is for the next version of Angular, the grey is for a past version, orange is for an RC, and blue is for the current one.

Sometimes though, the documentation does not answer all the questions we have, in which case we are just one click away from accessing the source code of any feature:

I used those tricks over and over again to prepare my course on Angular Signals. That’s how I could get a glimpse of the future and prepare several newsletter issues before the release of Angular 16.

RxJs concatWith operator

Our operator of the week is concatWith (the new name for concat since RxJS v7). This operator takes any number of Observables, subscribes to them one after the other, in sequence, and then returns the values emitted by the first Observable, then the second one, then the third one, etc.

Unlike forkJoin, which runs these Observables in parallel, concatWith runs them one after the other and waits for the completion of an Observable before subscribing to the next one.

As a result, concatWith can be used when:

  • We need to make multiple HTTP requests in a specific order, one after the other.
  • We need to combine user input with server data. For instance, we let the user select multiple filters in the UI, and when the user is done, we trigger an HTTP request to the server.