ngx-mask for user input masking

HTML forms are evolving but still lacking a little in masking, which really means “suggesting the proper format to the user.

For instance, if I need to capture a US phone number in a specific format, I’d like to use a mask that looks like this:

We could use a placeholder, but the placeholder disappears as soon as we start typing, whereas a mask should remain visible and try to make the user input fit into that format. For instance:

This is where ngx-mask helps. It’s a third-party library that passes my acceptance criteria for dependencies. ngx-mask comes with directives and pipes to implement customizable masks.

To install it: npm install ngx-mask

You can find out how to configure the library here. Here is an example of the mask directive used for a US phone number:

And another one for a French phone number that doesn’t show the mask as we type but still enforces it:

The result looks like this:

Here is a link to my example on Stackblitz.

You can try many different demos on this website. The library supports regular expressions and lots of other options, such as a validation attribute to invalidate the form when the input is invalid:

And it’s possible to have multiple different acceptable formats on a mask, too:

Angular 16.2: NgComponentOutlet input bindings

Another feature of Angular 16.2 is using input bindings with component outlets. You might not be familiar with ngComponentOutlet in the first place, so let’s explain what the directive does.

Let’s consider the following template syntax:

The above code would load a dynamic component into the ng-container. Assigning a new component type to componentTypeExpression would display it in that container. Here’s a basic example that shows a HelloComponent in the component outlet:

This can be helpful if you need to use different types of components and don’t want to (or can’t) use the router to make it happen.

The new feature of Angular 16.2 allows us to pass input values to that component. Let’s assume that HelloComponent looks like this:

We can bind a value to the name input as follows:

And that does the trick! You can see an example in action on Stackblitz here. inputs is an object that can have as many keys as needed. In my example, there is only one: name.

What’s new in Angular 16.2? Lifecycle methods

Angular keeps evolving at a steady pace, and Angular 16.2 brought a couple of interesting features to the table.

The first feature is an addition to the Signals API that was part of a specific RFC for Signal-based components. The new feature consists of two functions:


A function that allows registering a callback to be invoked the next time the application finishes rendering. It is similar to the ngAfterViewInit lifecycle method but for signal-based components.

The main use-case for this new lifecycle is to initialize a third-party, non-Angular-friendly library to hook itself on the DOM after Angular generates it:


A function very similar to the afterNextRender, with the difference that instead of running the registered callback just once, it will run it after every single render, similar to ngAfterContentChecked. This could be used to read something from the DOM when it changes, such as the height of an element:

Angular Material Theme Generator

As we started covering Angular Material with a few different posts, today, I want to address one of the common objections to Angular Material: Sometimes, people don’t like the look and feel of the library and fear that it won’t match their business requirements.

While it is true that the default themes picked by the Material team aren’t for everyone, with a lot of bright pink, purple or flashy green, I have seen several companies customize Material to make it their own with great success.

Here are a few examples:

Bank of Montreal (BMO)

Air France

You can see that in some cases, it’s actually hard to recognize Material components in those apps. On the Air France website, the tabs and slide toggle are the most recognizable components.

How to generate my own custom theme?

One of the easiest way to see what’s possible is to use the (unofficial – though it comes from a team at Google) Material Theme Generator:

With the theme generator, you can:

  • Generate a theme from an image (such as a company logo!) and the tool will pick the colors and do the rest
  • Tweak all possible variables using color pickers and see the result on every component on the right-hand side.
  • Then export your customization as a CSS file using th “Download CSS” button.

Here I tried uploading a picture of mine from the Canyonlands of Utah last winter, and the resulting auto-generated theme is impressive – I didn’t touch any of the settings:

Migrating Angular Material to v15+

This is a guest post by Duncan Faulkner. You can read his first post on Angular Material here. This is the third and final post in this series.

Note: This post will cover upgrading to Angular Material version 15 from Angular Material 14—all changes affected version 15. Once the migration to Angular Material 15 is complete, migration to Angular Material 16 is straightforward.

The team at Angular Material has created a schema that will do all the heavy lifting when migrating to the new MDC format.

To upgrade your application to version 15

ng update @angular/material@15Code language: CSS (css)

This will automatically run the migration schema and move your project over to use the legacy version, ensuring that your application continues to run with minimal changes.

Once your project has upgraded, you can now run the migration tool. This will migrate from the legacy to the new MDC format.

ng generate @angular/material:mdc-migration

This will update your project, including TypeScript, styles, and templates, as much as possible. Where it cannot update your code, the migration tool will insert comments into your code for a developer to fix.

// TODO(mdc-migration):...Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

It’s also possible to migrate parts of your application; this can be a single component or a range of components, and the migration script will prompt the directory and components to migrate.

The migration to MDC is a welcoming and positive step. It improves accessibility, adheres to the Material Design Specification, and allows better adoption of future specification versions.

Legacy components

Currently, the Angular Material library includes all the legacy components. If you’re not able to upgrade to the latest version and want to continue to use these legacy components, you need to import the legacy module, for example:

import {
} from '@angular/material/legacy-slider';

  selector: 'slider-formatting-example',
  templateUrl: 'slider-formatting-example.html',
  styleUrls: ['slider-formatting-example.css'],
  standalone: true,
  imports: [MatLegacySliderModule],
export class SliderFormattingExample { 
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Please note: The legacy versions are currently marked as deprecated and will be removed in version 17 of Angular Material.

Accessing route information with Angular

The Angular router comes with many interesting features, such as lazy-loading, guards, resolvers, or nested routes.

One of these features is the ability to access route parameters and route information within the component displayed by the router. This can be done by injecting the ActivatedRoute service in our component.

This ActivatedRoute contains a lot of information:

The most commonly used attributes are:

  • paramMap: An Observable of route parameters such as id in the route /product/:id/info
  • queryParamMap: An Observable of query parameters such as q in the route /product/search?q=test
  • data: An Observable of the data resolved by route resolvers such as hero in this example of a resolver.

snapshot gives us the current value of those same parameters instead of using Observables.

Another option appeared with Angular 16. We can bind router information to component inputs instead of using ActivatedRoute.

This works for the three categories of parameters covered earlier: Route params, query params, and resolved route data.

This means that this old and verbose approach:

can be replaced with the following concise and router-independent code:

The only config needed for this to work is the one line of code described in this article.

RxJs Websockets for 2-way communication

Earlier this year, I covered the different types of RxJs subjects. There is another kind of Subject that I haven’t touched on yet: WebSocketSubject.

What is a websocket?

It’s a mechanism to establish and maintain a two-way connection between a client and a server on the web. This means that with websockets you can:

  • Receive real-time updates from a server
  • Send real-time updates to a server

There are several different use cases for websockets, such as: Real-time chat applications, online gaming, stock trading, and IoT applications.

How to create a websocket with RxJs?

All we need is the webSocket function from RxJs:

Note that the protocol is ws and not http. The above example assumes that our server accepts Websocket connections on port 8000. You can find a small example of such server-side code written with Node.js here.

To receive data from a WebSocketSubject, all we have to do is subscribe to it:

And if we want to send data to the server, we use the .next() method, which behaves differently from the one in the other types of Subjects:

Now you know how RxJs provides a straightforward implementation for handling Websockets using a specific type of Subject.

Hidden gems of HTML

As front-end developers, we have been used to frameworks and libraries that enhance HTML, CSS, and Javascript. We adopt component libraries or individual third-party components from NPM as if participating in an all-you-can-eat buffet. However, this will break our apps in the future if we’re not careful.

In this newsletter, we’ve covered that dialogs can be created in simple HTML. Yet, many more “hidden” gems in HTML are worth knowing about. Here are a few examples:

Details and summary

The above HTML code displays the following collapsible element:

Of course, the entire thing can be customized with CSS. It’s just HTML, after all:


Abbreviations are everywhere in our world, so providing accessible definitions is a must, and the abbr tag does precisely that:


What about a native fancy progress bar with different colors for different thresholds? meter does exactly that:

Always remember that HTML is excellent because, unlike third-party libraries, these elements do not increase the size of your app. Their code does not have to be packaged, downloaded, and then interpreted. You don’t have to run npm update on them. They’re free and won’t break your app.

You can see all these examples in action on Stackblitz. And for even more cool HTML/CSS tricks, check out this other post of mine: 5 new HTML/CSS features you didn’t know about.

Analyzing your bundle size

We covered build budgets and how they can help keep your application performant by detecting when a new dependency dramatically increases the size of your build output.

If you want to look at your build bundle and determine which dependency/module is the biggest, there’s another tool at your disposal: The Webpack Bundle Analyzer.

To install it, use the following npm command:

npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-analyzer

Then, run your Angular build with the option that generates build statistics:

ng build --stats-json

Finally, run the Webpack Bundle Analyzer to read those build stats and give you a visual output of that bundle:

npx webpack-bundle-analyzer dist/stats.json

This command opens a new tab in your browser with the following user interface. Each rectangle represents a Javascript module. The bigger the rectangle, the bigger the module.

In the above example, we can see that the application code (main.js – in green color) is a lot smaller than the application dependencies.

For instance, we could improve this project by removing polyfills.js, as these polyfills were included to maintain compatibility with the now-retired Internet Explorer, and they take more space than our application code!