A debugging quest and a free Angular weekend!

As often, I’m using the updated newsletter format this week. I’m posting a few interesting updates to know about and one question to ponder:

Two Angular updates:

  • Gérôme Grignon just released the Angular Debug Quest, a GitHub repo where you can practice fixing common Angular app bugs in one place. The project is open to feedback and additional bugs to fix, so feel free to contribute and give it a try!
  • The FREE Angular Weekend is happening soon over at certificates.dev! A great way to get free certification training and take practice tests to see how you’d fare in the Angular mid-level certification exam:

One question to think about and some posts to learn more about it:

  • Do you lint your code for extra feedback on best practices? Linting is a great way to learn about blind spots we all have as developers. It can also teach you some alternative syntaxes and keywords. Read more about eslint here.

The Angular documentary is out!

Big news this week: The Angular documentary is now available for free on YouTube! It’s a 1-hour video going through the origins of the framework and its evolution over time, featuring many of the Angular community members who contributed to the framework’s history.

On a similar note, I found the TypeScript origins documentary fascinating, and it’s also available on YouTube.

Since that’s a lot of content to look, I’ll leave you with only one extra article to revisit for this week:

Do you know about the different types of RxJs subjects? Learn more about them here.

What do you want from this newsletter in 2025?

There are only a month and a few days left in 2024, and my goal is to keep publishing weekly updates until the end of the year. By the time you read this, it will be Thanksgiving in the United States, a time of the year when we are thankful and spend time with our families.

First, I want to thank you for reading this newsletter; I hope you find it useful. It certainly has become quite a database of resources for me, at the very least, and I use these posts all the time when training and mentoring people.

Now, I’d like to know what you think of the new format I have used a few times lately (example here) compared to the “old” format (example here). What I like about the new format is that I suggest essential topics to revisit rather than covering just new features and tutorials on specific topics. It’s more broad as a result, and there are probably more interesting topics every week.

In any case, if you’re thankful for this newsletter or have any feedback or ideas to share, let me know. I read and respond to every email.

Happy Thanksgiving if that’s something you’re celebrating, and since Thanksgiving is followed by Black Friday, you can get up to 54% off any certification and training package at certificates.dev!

Last post of the year!

Congratulations for making it to the end of year one of the Daily Angular Newsletter! This is the 260th entry of the year, which means I managed to publish something every single working day of the year. That was a lot of work, so In 2024, I’m moving to a weekly format, which means we get a new logo:

If you want to receive these weekly emails, you’re already in if you received my daily emails. If you were not receiving the daily emails, you can subscribe here to receive the weekly newsletter. If you want out, there is an unsubscribe link at the end of each email.

Last but not least, I want to thank you for reading these daily messages. Your feedback has been fantastic all year, so I signed up for a second year with a new cadence!

I also introduced links so you can support my work by buying me a coffee; several of you have used it this past month, which is excellent and is pushing me to create more free content, starting with another online workshop on component testing in January.

Happy New Year, and see you next week for the first edition of the Weekly Angular Newsletter!

CSS Animation Generator

The end of the year is getting closer and closer, and I realized I haven’t covered anything CSS-related in this newsletter yet! Let’s fix this today with a tool that makes generating CSS animations super easy: CSS generator.

As you can see in the animation, you only need to select a type of animation, tweak some parameters, and then copy/paste the provided CSS code into your app. This example shows you how I used that tool to animate all my divs:

I created a quick example in Stackblitz to see that code in an Angular app. Note that CSS generator can be used for other CSS purposes, such as tweaking border-radius options, opacity, sepia filters, and more. It’s a great way to discover new CSS features and config options since CSS is probably the web language that has evolved the most over the past ten years.

Customized Deferred Loading with “when”

Last month, I introduced the defer block and its trigger options to perform lazy-loading of a template block with various options.

One of the most flexible ways to user defer is to use the when condition because it allows us to load some code based on a boolean value – which means we have complete control over when to switch that value to true.

Maybe we want to do it once we receive a response from the server or wait for the user to click on a button, or both, for instance:

Another interesting feature is that when can be combined with other triggers. In that case, the first condition to be met would lazy-load the block of code, acting similarly to a logical OR:

And, of course, we can still use a placeholder to display before the block is loaded, as illustrated above.

Vote for the future of this newsletter in 2024

There’s only a month and a half left in 2023, and my goal is to keep publishing daily updates till the end of the year, except on public US holidays (such as Thanksgiving and Black Friday later this week).

In 2024, I’m thinking about slowing the cadence down to weekly or even monthly emails, and I would love to hear your input on that. As you can imagine, publishing content every day is quite a big task, and I’ve done it even when on vacation so far this year. I would prepare all posts before traveling – which means a lot more work upfront.

The only way I could keep doing daily posts was if there was some sort of paid subscription model, but I’m not sure if that option would be popular.

As a result, I’d appreciate your feedback and input on what you’d like to see in 2024 and if a daily newsletter with a paid subscription is something you’d be OK with or not at all. A weekly or monthly option would remain free, of course.

Feel free to hit reply and let me know.

Localized pricing now available for all courses and exams

Subscribers of this newsletter are located on all continents worldwide. Still, I’m based in one of the most expensive states (California) of one of the most expensive countries (USA) in the world, which means that sometimes, people complain about the prices of my services.

Good news! I decided to apply purchase parity pricing (PPP) on all my courses and certification exams, which also applies to the upcoming Angular Accelerator program.

If you live in an eligible country and go to the purchase page of any of those courses, a banner will appear with a coupon code that gives you a discount based on your country’s economic situation.

Of course, I can also make further exceptions on a case-by-case basis, so feel free to email me if you’re in a challenging situation and need financial assistance, or if the banner doesn’t show up for you.

Ng-conf 2023 is coming up soon

If you’re considering attending a tech conference and have never done so before, I would suggest going to ng-conf 2023 in Salt Lake City this June (also available online if you can’t travel to beautiful Utah):

You know what I’m talking about if you have attended ng-conf before. It is the largest Angular conference in the world, the Angular team is there, and the best Angular speakers are on stage (I can say so because I’m not speaking this year – but I’m going anyways!).

I have learned so much at ng-conf in the past. Several tips and tricks of this newsletter were gathered at the conference. It is safe to say that this conference helped me get where I am today as an Angular coach and consultant. The organizers go above and beyond to ensure everyone is welcome at ng-conf; the experience is always a blast.

After all, they’ve even brought a Back to the Future Delorean and a Daft Punk tribute concert to the event in the past few years – to name a few examples:

If you’re attending the conference, please let me know and come say hi. It’s always a pleasure to meet my readers. And if you’re not going… You’ll still get updates from the conference in this newsletter!