Rollbar: Error tracking and reporting

Whenever we deploy a web application to production, one of the challenges is that our code will run on several different machines in different locations. When a user reports an error, we cannot access their browser console or stack trace unless the user is techy enough to share that information with us.

Of course, we can create a generic error handler and try to reproduce an issue in our environment, but this can be challenging as none of these options give us eyes on what is going on in that user’s specific browser.

This is where Rollbar shines. Rollbar is a library that can report Javascript errors to a server and create alerts/statistics/tracking of those errors over time:

In the above screenshot alone, there is a wealth of information that we would never get with console.log. For instance, the first error has happened 412 times on 72 different machines (IPs), and the last occurrence was three days ago.

Such a screen can help you identify if a new release solved an issue for all users or created a new one. Even better, Rollbar supports different environments so you can check production or pre-prod, or staging environments for those errors, as well as filter by level, activity, etc. :

Each error contains the browser info, locale, screen definition, stack trace, and more. Errors can also be assigned to developers for further investigation and marked as fixed or muted if the error is irrelevant.

All in all, once people start using Rollbar, it’s almost impossible to stop using it. You can see an Angular demo on Stackblitz here and read this quick set-up tutorial from the Rollbar documentation.

Updates from ng-conf 2023

I’m writing this message up in the air over the desertic landscapes of Nevada as I’m flying back to California from ng-conf 2023. It has been two days filled with lots of information, and I will unpack some of the major announcements in more detail in the following newsletters.

For now, I’ll focus on some rapid-fire news grouped by topic:


  • RxJs 8 is coming out soon, and it will be 30% smaller than RxJs 7 and 60% smaller than RxJs 6!
  • Will have support for async / await syntax for Observables.
  • We will have some new syntactic sugar for chaining operators using a rx() function. Code such as obs$.pipe(map(...), filter(...)) will be writable as rx(obs$, map(...), filter(...)). Optional, yet good to know.


  • Support for a Signal Store is coming soon


Other cool news

  • Bard, Google’s response to ChatGPT, is built with Angular!
  • Analog.js is a meta-framework for Angular apps. It supports server-side rendering, static pages, back-end APIs, and regular Angular front-end code all in one project, all in Javascript. Similar to Next.js for React. Analog is still a work in progress but looks promising.

Using a loading template with ngrxLet

A while back, I wrote about how ngrxLet is an improved version of the async pipe. I also covered how to use skeleton loaders with Angular.

Today, let’s look at how we can use these two tools to display a “loading” template while an observable is waiting for data.

As a reminder, here is how ngrxLet can be used to track different observable events:

In the above code snippet, we receive the values emitted by the number$ observable in a variable n. We would receive any error in a variable e. We would receive the completion status (true or false) in a variable c.

Here is how we can pass a custom loading template to ngrxLet using a template reference variable:

Of course, the loading template can be customized with anything you want, including a skeleton loader or an animated gif image. That feature is called a suspense template, and an observable is in a suspense state until it emits its first event (next, error, or complete as covered here).

Anti-pattern: Not using production builds to deploy production code

This is one of the most common mistakes I see with my training/consulting clients. When deploying code to production, they would use the command: ng build.

Instead, you want to use: ng build --configuration=production

Why is that? Because a production build is optimized in several ways:

  1. The code gets minified and obfuscated, which means it looks like this when running in a browser:

This code is as lightweight as possible (no tabs, whitespace, new line characters, variables have super short names, etc.) and a lot more challenging to understand (a hacker would have a harder time understanding your code).

2. The code gets tree-shaked. Angular removes unused dependencies and dead code and makes your build output as tiny as possible. Size matters on the web: The less code you ship to a browser, the faster it gets downloaded, parsed, and interpreted (which is also why Angular gives us lazy-loading capabilities)

3. Source maps are not generated in that same spirit of hiding what our source code looks like.

4. Angular DevTools are disabled on that code, again for obfuscation and reverse-engineering purposes.

If you’re still not convinced after reading all of this, give it a try on your Angular projects. The size of your dist folder after a production build should be at least 90 to 95% smaller compared to a regular build, which is massive.

Skeleton loaders with Angular

Skeleton loaders are grey-shaded shapes that indicate when a part of the screen is loading. Here is an example of skeleton loaders for Facebook:

ngx-skeleton-loader is a small component library that does just that. It gives us access to different skeleton loaders ready to be used in our applications:

What’s nice about that library is that we can customize different aspects of the skeletons, such as animations and colors. You can find some live examples here.

If you want to explore skeleton loaders for your application, feel free to look at my popular tutorial: How to use a skeleton loader with Angular?

The tutorial has several code examples that can be used as-is.

Angular Documentation Tricks

If you use Angular, you’re most likely familiar with the Angular website:

But did you know that you access the documentation of a previous framework version by using the version number as a prefix, such as

Even better, you can get a glimpse of the future with or take a look at the current Release Candidate version:

Also, the header of the website has a different color whenever you’re not on the current version:

The red header is for the next version of Angular, the grey is for a past version, orange is for an RC, and blue is for the current one.

Sometimes though, the documentation does not answer all the questions we have, in which case we are just one click away from accessing the source code of any feature:

I used those tricks over and over again to prepare my course on Angular Signals. That’s how I could get a glimpse of the future and prepare several newsletter issues before the release of Angular 16.

Angular DevTools Extension

Angular DevTools is a browser extension that provides debugging and profiling capabilities for Angular applications (v12 minimum). It’s available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

The extension comes with a tree view of the component hierarchy of our application. You can expand and collapse components to inspect their properties, inputs, and outputs. Hovering a component in the tree view highlights it in the user interface, as shown here:

We can explore inputs and outputs and even change those values to test how the UI would respond to different values:

There’s also a search feature where you can type the name of a component to find it in a complex component hierarchy:

Those features alone can be a huge time saver—no need for debugger breakpoints or JSON pipe to inspect our data. The inspector always displays up-to-date component information.

How to decide which RxJs operator to use?

There are more than 120 operators in RxJs, and with so many options, it can be challenging to decide which one we should use. We covered a few of them in this newsletter so far and mentioned websites such as Rxmarbles to learn more about these operators.

Luckily, has an interesting feature called the operator decision tree. This tool asks a few questions about what we’re trying to do and ends up suggesting one operator that answers that need.

It uses a wizard-style approach:

The tool is excellent and does save a lot of time researching operators in the documentation. I found some scenarios where it suggests deprecated options. Still, each deprecated feature has a link to its replacement, so it’s easy to find the actual operator to use from there.

Using Stackblitz as an Angular playground

The easiest way to get an Angular development environment up and running these days is to use Stackblitz. I mention Stackblitz today because a few readers have sent me links to Github repos that they use when they want to test some of the ideas of this newsletter.

While Github is perfectly fine, creating a new project with Angular CLI, downloading all dependencies then committing to Github can take a few minutes each time, while Stackblitz gets you started in just 2 seconds. All you have to do is head to and click the Angular button:

Stackblitz is excellent for a few more reasons:

  1. If you create your free account on Stackblitz, you can save your projects for later and share them with others with just one URL. One click on the URL and the app is up and running; no installation nor hosting is needed! Your friend can then fork your project if needed.
  2. Stackblitz can be used to import (and sync with) Github repos, too. The URL{GITHUB_USERNAME}/{REPO_NAME} can be used to access a public repo on Stackblitz. For instance:
  3. Stackblitz has an Angular CLI-like tool accessible with a right click called “Angular generator”:

You can also use it for full-stack projects using Node.js (and possibly JSON server covered earlier!), which makes Stackblitz even more powerful. And it’s 100% free!

How to generate DTOs for data objects?

Yesterday, we saw how to use json2ts to generate type definitions for our Angular applications. In addition, we saw that interfaces are optimal for performance reasons. Yet, the caveat with interfaces is that they can’t act as a Data Transfer Object (DTO) on their own to change the data you’re dealing with, nor do they perform any runtime checks.

As a result, some people might prefer to use Quicktype over json2ts as it has more configuration options when generating code from a JSON string:

As you can see, those options enable additional capabilities, such as using union types instead of enums (as recommended earlier), throwing errors if an object you’re parsing doesn’t have the right shape, and even some DTO operations such as using camel case instead of underscore in property names.

Of course, you can tweak that generated code and add additional DTO rules as needed.

Quicktype also supports languages other than TypeScript, so you could use that same tool to generate the server-side types for your data in Java, C#, or Python, for instance.