Change detection for Angular components

Angular comes with two component change detection strategies: default and onPush.

Default is used by default: Angular will check if your component needs to be refreshed every time something happens in the browser. Zone.js triggers such change detection by notifying Angular when a DOM event happens (someone clicked on a button) or a setTimeout completes, or an HTTP request completes.

In other words, any time a callback function runs in the browser, Angular will check if our components need to be re-rendered with new data.

With onPush, the change detection behavior changes. onPush indicates that our component only relies on inputs to display data (in other words – it’s a presentation component) and that DOM events or HTTP requests do not impact the HTML rendering of that component.

As a result, you can use onPush to improve the performance of your presentation components, which is another good reason to follow the presentation vs. container components approach covered yesterday. The official documentation here shows an in-depth dive into change detection strategies.

Container vs. Presentation Components

One of the fundamental concepts of component architecture in Angular applications is to find the right balance between container and presentation components.

Let’s define what those are:

  • Presentation components are reusable, simple pieces of UI. Think buttons, dialogs, cards, nav bars, etc.
  • Container components are the exact opposite: They’re not reusable. They’re tied to a specific use case. Those are usually entire screens or sub-screens, the app component, etc.

From a code standpoint, container components use services to interact with the back end. Such components know where to get the data using those services and then feed that data to their children using inputs, which are presentation components:

A simple way to identify those components is that presentation components only have inputs and outputs, no dependency injection. Container components have dependencies injected and most likely no inputs or outputs.

When to use container vs. presentation components?

Suppose you have components that are good candidates to become presentation components but are using services. In that case, you can most likely inject that service in its parent container and then pass the data to said component using an input. That way, your presentation component will be reusable in other places without being tied to a specific use case.

Of course, just like with any best practice, there are exceptions to consider. There are times when reusability makes sense and others when it does not. Do not force your components into one of these categories if it doesn’t make sense, but give it a try if it’s a quick win. Your application architecture (and possibly performance – stay tuned for more on that soon) will thank you later.

How to update my version of Angular?

Yesterday, we mentioned why it’s essential to keep your version of Angular as up-to-date as possible.

Today, we’re going to see how to do that. A concise answer would be to use the instructions at because that’s where all the information is. You can select your current version, the one you want to upgrade to, click a button, and you get a detailed TODO list as a result:

A typical upgrade consists in:

  1. Upgrading your current version of the Angular CLI: npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
  2. Upgrading your project code to the latest version: ng update @angular/core@latest @angular/cli@latest

The ng update command will update Angular and its dependencies and even change your code if the new version of the framework has some breaking changes (meaning that some functions or classes have been renamed or replaced with something else). Yes, it’s all automatic!

There are some scenarios where the upgrade can be more difficult:

  1. For example, if you have dependencies that are not maintained anymore or that get upgraded weeks/months later – something I’ll address in a later edition of this newsletter.
  2. If a Node.js upgrade is needed by Angular, which means upgrading your dev environment and continuous integration servers.

Again, the key is to stay as up-to-date as possible to make your upgrades a 5 to 10-minute task every six months rather than a 2-week deep dive every few years.

Angular Release Schedule

Angular is constantly evolving. A quick look at the release notes of the framework shows that new releases are happening every week. For example, yesterday, we mentioned the latest updates of Angular 15.1.

Let’s talk about how often Angular is released. The main release cadence is the following:

  • Major version every six months (Angular 16 is released six months after Angular 15)
  • Minor versions every month if needed, usually 1 to 3 between each major version (Angular 15.2 is released a month after 15.1)
  • Patch versions every week if needed (Angular 15.1.1 is released the week after 15.1.0)

This is important because you can plan your upgrades based on that cadence. For instance, some of my consulting clients plan the major releases of their applications twice a year, one month after they get a new version of Angular.

It’s also important to know that major versions are supported for 18 months. This is for critical fixes and security patches only. New features and improvements are added to a major version during its six months lifespan.

As of today, here are the actively supported versions:

If you’re using any version older than 13, you’re out of the support window and potentially exposed to bugs, vulnerabilities, and other issues. As a result, it’s always recommended to use the latest major version as much as possible or as a plan B to stay one or two major versions behind, but not more.

You can read the entire rationale behind that approach as well as more information about Angular’s release schedule here:

ngrxLet: A better version of the async pipe

Yesterday, we mentioned how the async pipe can be used with *ngIf or *ngFor in our templates to declare a local variable that allows us to have multiple expressions using the same data:

<div *ngIf="user$ | async as user">
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

While the above code works perfectly well, it’s not always convenient to add an additional *ngIf or *ngFor in our templates. Another shortcoming of the async pipe is that it doesn’t let us know if the observable has an error or completes successfully.

This is where the ngrxLet directive can save the day, as it solves all of the above shortcomings with a straightforward syntax. Our previous example becomes:

<div *ngrxLet="user$ as user">
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

And if we want to get any errors or the completion status of the observable, we can do so with more local variables exposed by ngrxLet:

<div *ngrxLet="user$ as user; error as e; complete as c">Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

You can find a complete working example here. ngrxLet can be installed as a dependency using npm (npm install @ngrx/component), and it’s important to note that it is not the entire ngrx state management library, just a tiny subset of it, so using that directive does not require using anything else from ngrx.

Here is a link to a slightly expanded version of that tutorial with more information if you want to dig deeper into it: ngrxLet – A better version of the async pipe.

Async pipe syntax tricks

Yesterday, we wrote about how to use the async pipe to automatically subscribe and unsubscribe from our observables.

When I teach that topic, people usually have at least one of these two objections:

What if I also need the data from that subscription in my Typescript code?

At first, using the async pipe seems only to give you access to the data in your HTML templates. That isn’t the case, though, because you can still use the tap operator to “spy” on your observable and get the data from there. For instance (complete example here):$ = nameService.getName().pipe(
    tap(name => = name)
);Code language: TypeScript (typescript)

And then in the HTML template:

<p>Name from async pipe: {{ name$ | async }}</p>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

What if I need to read multiple properties from the object in that subscription?

Another way to put it is that you don’t want to end up doing something like this:

<p>First name: {{ (user$ | async)?.firstName }}</p>
<p>Last name: {{ (user$ | async)?.lastName }}</p>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The above code is pretty hard to read and requires one subscription for each property. This alone can be a disaster, as each subscription might trigger an HTTP request for the same data from the server!

Instead, you can do something like this, which uses only one subscription, stores the result in a local variable, then renders the data when it’s available. This technique works with any structural directive, such as *ngIf or *ngFor:

<div *ngIf="user$ | async as user">
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

If changing the DOM structure by adding an element to accommodate that subscription bothers you, then you can use ng-template instead, though the syntax here can be a little bit unsettling, too:

<ng-template [ngIf]="user$ | async" let-user>
   <p>First name: {{ user.firstName }}</p>
   <p>Last name: {{ user.lastName }}</p>
</ng-template>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Ok, that’s probably plenty enough for today. Tomorrow, we’ll see how we can do even better than this.

How to avoid memory leaks with RxJs observables?

The easiest way to get in trouble in a big Angular application is to create a memory leak by not unsubscribing from your observables. While there are different techniques to unsubscribe your observables automatically, one is more concise, elegant, and overall the most error-proof.

That technique is to use the async pipe from the Angular framework.

Why is the async pipe such a great tool?

  1. First, it automatically subscribes to the observable, so we no longer need to call .subscribe().
  2. It returns the data from that observable, triggering Angular’s change detection when needed for our component to display the latest data.
  3. Finally, it automatically unsubscribes from the observable when our component is destroyed.

All of that with just 6 characters! (ok, perhaps a bit more if you want to count the whitespace):

<div>{{myObservable | async}}</div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The async pipe works exactly like the code we would write (and thus duplicate over and over again, making our code base larger and thus our code slower) if we didn’t use it.

Check its source code here, and you’ll see that all it does is implement ngOnDestroy to unsubscribe from our observable.

There isn’t any good reason not to use the async pipe, and if you think you have some, stay tuned for our next messages, as we’ll cover some nice tips and tricks around using that pipe.

How to generate documentation for Angular applications?

Documenting software is hard. Not only that, maintaining software documentation is even more complicated and often forgotten.

What’s the solution, then? What about using an automated solution that:

  1. Generates documentation from code comments and does not require a Wiki or any third-party software.
  2. Generates said documentation automatically and can be part of your build process.
  3. Gives metrics and feedback to developers to encourage them to write more documentation.

Such a solution exists. It’s called Compodoc. Compodoc can generate a Javadoc-like website from all the comments written in your application (you can see an example of such documentation here):

Compodoc can be installed globally with npm:

npm install -g @compodoc/compodocCode language: CSS (css)

Or you can add it locally to a single Angular project by running the ng add schematic in your project folder:

ng add @compodoc/compodocCode language: CSS (css)

Then you can create a config file to decide which files to include in the documentation (for instance, you might want to exclude test, and Compodoc is ready to run with a single command:

npx compodoc -p tsconfig.doc.jsonCode language: CSS (css)

The above command creates a static HTML website documenting your entire application with all modules/components/pipes/directives/services.

My favorite feature is the documentation coverage statistics that show which parts of the application are well-documented and which are not, using a report similar to test coverage reports that developers are familiar with.

Formatting functions in Angular

We mentioned the default config options for the date pipe in Angular yesterday.

Did you know we can also format dates in our Typescript code using a formatDate function?

This function has the same signature as the date pipe, which makes perfect sense because… That’s the function used by the pipe itself (source code here):

formatDate(value: string | number | Date, 
           format: string, 
           locale: string, 
           timezone?: string): stringCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

All you need to use that function is to import it from @angular/common:

import {formatDate} from "@angular/common";Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The only downside of that function is that there is no default format or locale, so we have to pass those two values as parameters, which isn’t the case for the date pipe.

And by the way, similar functions are available for numbers, currencies, and percentages:

For more information on those functions, I have this tutorial on formatting dates and numbers with Angular.

Date pipe default format and timezone

The date pipe is the most convenient way to format dates with Angular. However, very often, we need to use a consistent date format throughout our application, which means that we have to pass that custom format every time we use the date pipe:

<span>Today is {{today | date: 'MM/dd/yy'}}</span>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Of course, we could store that format in a constant and reuse that constant every time we use the pipe, but that’s not very convenient.

Luckily for us, since Angular 15, we can now set a default date format (and timezone) by configuring a new injection token called DATE_PIPE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.

It works by adding the following code to your dependency injection config (array of providers) in app.modules.ts:

providers: [
    provide: DATE_PIPE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, useValue: {dateFormat: 'MM/dd/yy'}
]Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

With such a config in place, we can use our pipe without any parameters and have our default formatting applied automatically in our entire application:

<span>Today is {{today | date}}</span>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

The timezone can be customized as well with the timezone property of that same DatePipeConfig object.