ngOnInit vs. constructor in Angular

Today’s post is all about clarifying when to use a constructor and when to use ngOnInit to initialize data in our Angular components.

From a chronological standpoint, the constructor is called first. Then, once all component inputs are initialized, Angular is going to call ngOnInit.

From that definition, it makes sense to use ngOnInit only when your initialization code needs a @Input value to be set. Something along those lines:

And that’s the only rule. Some might be surprised to read this, but you could initialize everything in your constructor if your component has no inputs. There is no performance impact in doing one or the other.

I would argue that triggering an HTTP request in the constructor is better as it’s going to happen sooner (we’re talking milliseconds, though) than if we do it in ngOnInit.

As a result, in the absence of any official recommendation in the Angular style guide, you can choose one or the other.

Resolver function for the Angular Router

The last router function of our guard series is resolve. It is the replacement for class-based resolvers. A resolver function runs after all guards have run and before the destination component is rendered. Such a function is typically used to preload component data before rendering it on the screen.

For instance, in this example:

heroResolver is a function that returns either some data or a Promise or an Observable of that data. Such data will be stored in the hero property of a data object returned by an Observable from the ActivatedRoute service as follows:

Of course, we could resolve multiple different pieces of data using the following syntax:

resolve: {user: userResolver, session: sessionResolver},Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

A resolver function can use the inject function to use services and resolve data as follows:

export const userResolver: ResolveFn<User> = () => { 
    return inject(UserService).getCurrentUser(); 
 };Code language: TypeScript (typescript)

canMatch Router Guard

After introducing guards and the most common guard functions (canActivate, canActivateChild, and canDeactivate), we will cover one slightly different guard that can run when trying to access a route.

canMatch was introduced in Angular 15.1. When canMatch returns false, Angular will continue looking at other routes that would match that path instead of preventing any navigation.

Let’s consider the following example:

With the above code, both routes are configured for the /user path, but if the user is an admin user, they’ll land on an AdminDetails component, and if they’re a regular user, they’ll land on a UserDetails component.

This approach can be helpful when working with multiple user roles that display different components.

Route guards – canActivate, canActivateChild, canDeactivate

Yesterday, we introduced how route guards can control whether or not a user can navigate to a new URL in our application.

The main guard to achieve that behavior is canActivate. This guard will run every time the user tries to access a path and only allow the user to proceed if the guard function returns true.

Here’s an example that’s going to check if the user is logged in before proceeding:

If we want to redirect the user to a login component when they’re not logged in, we can do so by using the Router service and returning a UrlTree object as follows:

Note how the inject function is used in all these guards to access any service we need.

canActivate works well when navigating to components. If we want to prevent the lazy-loading of a child route or prevent access to any path of the child route, then canActivateChild is what we need instead of canActivate.

Finally, if you want to prevent the user from navigating away from the current path/component, you can implement the canDeactivate guard. A typical example of such a use case is when working with complex forms where we want to make sure the user has saved their progress before navigating away from the current screen/component:

Another exciting feature is that we can access the current component itself instead of a service, which is especially useful for canDeactivate:

If you like those new framework features, I covered some more utility router functions released with Angular 14+ in this post.

How to use Angular route guards?

The Angular router has 5 different route guards that can be used to control user navigation in the browser.

Such guards can be used in scenarios such as:

  • Preventing users from navigating to parts of an application without authorization
  • Preventing users from leaving a form before it is saved or completed
  • Making sure the user is logged in before proceeding to the next page

A guard is a function (class-based guards are deprecated as of Angular 15.2) that can return three different values:

  • true if we want to allow the user to proceed (then the navigation happens)
  • false if we want to prevent the user from proceeding (then the navigation doesn’t happen)
  • A UrlTree if we want to redirect the user to another component (usually a login component or an error component)

Sometimes, we want to ask a server about the user, which means that our guard is going to do asynchronous work. That’s fine because guards can return an Observable or a Promise of the above values, which means that a guard can return any of the six following types:

Any route can be protected by one or more guards. In the router config, we define an array of guards for each route as follows:

The above code means that in order to access the path /team/:id, a user has to satisfy the requirement of canActivateTeam, a guard function that returns one of the values documented above.

The inject() function

Next in our dependency injection series is the inject() function. You’re probably familiar with injecting services using class constructors as follows:

We can also use the inject function to do the same:

The inject function can be used in 3 different places. We can use it when initializing the field of an “Angular” class (component/service/pipe/directive/module) or in the body of the constructor of such a class:

Or it can be used in a provider factory function (see yesterday’s post as an example):

For now, we can consider that function as a syntax alternative. That said, we must start using it as soon as possible because router class guards have been deprecated in Angular 15.2. And the alternative is functional guards that might need dependencies injected – using the inject function:

Conditional Dependency Injection

Yesterday, we saw how to use our component (and module) hierarchy to configure dependency injection with Angular.

Today, let’s look at how we can make dependency injection conditional. For instance, say we have a LoginService for production that requires features unavailable at dev time or that we do not want to use during the development phase.

What we can do then is configure our providers to make a decision based on the current environment:

Using the ternary operator [if true] ? [then this] : [else that], we can decide when to use a service over an alternative version.

If you need to make that dependency injection decision depending on other factors, such as data from other services, or if you have several different possible services to inject, you can use a factory function that relies on other services (deps) that are injected in the factory function as follows:

The order of the dependencies in deps has to match the order of the parameters in the factory function passed to useFactory.

Dependency Injection Priority and Hierarchy

Yesterday, we covered the different options to configure our providers with the providedIn syntax. Today, let’s look at how Angular resolves dependency injection using hierarchical injectors.

Let’s assume we have a ButtonComponent that needs a LoginService. Angular is going to check the injector of ButtonComponent to see if a LoginService is available there (since all components have their own injector, configurable with the array of providers or the providedIn syntax).

Suppose the component injector doesn’t know about that service. In that case, it’s going to ask its parent component, then grandparent, making its way up the component hierarchy till it gets to the root injector of the application:

These are called hierarchical injectors: They rely on our component hierarchy. This explains why changing the providers’ config at the component level impacts a component and all its children.

What about modules?

If a service cannot be found in the component tree, then Angular is going to use a similar resolution path using the module hierarchy, from the child modules all the way up to the AppModule.

If no service is found, then Angular throws an error stating no provider is available for that service.

Dependency Injection and Provider Config

As Angular developers, we use and create services fairly often. So, in today’s post, let’s demystify the following syntax and see what the different options for it are:

When a service is provided in the root injector (providedIn: 'root'), it means that such a service can be injected into any component of your application, and that service will be a singleton shared by all consumers in your application.

If we want to restrict the scope of a service, we can provide it in a module or a component instead of the root injector. The syntax looks like this – we use the class name of the targeted module or component:

When a service is provided in a module, only the components/directives/pipes/services of that module can inject that service. However, when provided in a component, that component and its children can inject that service.

From a syntax standpoint, it’s also important to mention that using providedIn is equivalent to doing the following in a component or a module:

The above code is equivalent to the following:

So you only need one or the other; both would be redundant.

Finally, there is another option available: platform.

The service would be injectable into any Angular app in the current browser tab. It’s a rare use case, but if you’re running multiple Angular applications on the same page and want to share a service between these applications, platform is what you need.

For more information, you can read that post of mine that covers all these options (note: providedIn: 'any' used to be an option but is now deprecated, which is why I didn’t mention it)

Angular Signals are in the works!

This is probably the most significant change coming to the framework since the release of Angular v2 many years ago.

A new feature called Signals is being prototyped in Angular, and we can follow the entire discussion on GitHub.

Where do signals come from?

They are the answer from the Angular team to several different requests from the developer community over the years, more specifically:

  • Being able to use Observables with @Input
  • Being able to use Angular without Zone.js to have more control over change detection.
  • Having state management built-in with the framework so we don’t need libraries like NgRx or NgXs anymore.
  • Being able to use Angular in a reactive way without relying on RxJs.

In other words, Signals will be a clear and unified model for how data flows through an application and will work without any dependency (no RxJs, Zone, or other third-party library needed).

Will we have to change everything in our apps?

No, because the Angular team has communicated that:

  • Signals will be optional, and the current way of working with Angular will remain in place.
  • Signals will provide ways to play nicely with RxJs (a Signal can be turned into an Observable and vice-versa)

What will signals look like?

It’s still early to have a definite API. We’re not 100% sure what signals will look like, but the early prototype API looks like this:

Creating a signal with a default value (of 0 in this example)

The above line of code would be very much like doing const counter = new BehaviorSubject(0);

Setting a new value to a signal

Updating a value derived from the current value

Updating a value within a signal (mutation of the internal state)

Displaying the value of a signal in an HTML template or Typescript code

The above would be the equivalent of counter | async when using RxJs. The nice thing is that with Signals, there will be no more .subscribe() and .unsubscribe().

If you want to dive into more details, here is the documentation of the current prototype. Again, this is still early and I would not expect Signals to become fully available before Angular 17 or 18, but this is very exciting nevertheless!