3 pieces to discover or read again this summer

It’s early July, and in several countries, it’s a time for vacation, relaxation, and even celebration, like for us in the United States, with the 4th of July holiday to celebrate the country’s declaration of independence.

As a result, it’s a good time to reflect on the content published during the first half of the year.

Here are my three most popular posts of 2024 so far – feel free to discover them or reread them, as there’s a lot of important content in those three:

  1. Angular signal-based components tutorial: No surprise, as this is the future of Angular applications. If you’re more into video content and live coding, you can watch this recording of my workshop at FrontEnd Nation in June: Part 1Part 2.
  2. Introduction to server-side rendering with Angular. Server-side rendering has never been this easy with Angular, so I always recommend looking into it and being curious about it.
  3. How to use NgRx SignalStore? Signals are all the rage now, and NgRx released a state-management feature built around signals. The learning curve is much better than that of regular NgRx.

Alain Chautard

Alain is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies, Angular, and Google Maps. His daily mission is to help development teams adopt Angular and build at scale with the framework. He has taught Angular on all six continents! A world traveler and photographer, Alain is also an international conference speaker, and a published author of several video courses.