An Angular Upgrade Service?

Earlier this month, I polled people on LinkedIn to know which version of Angular they’re currently using at work. Here are the results:

First, I was pleasantly surprised that most of them (58%) are fully up-to-date or just one major version behind. What’s more worrying is that 24% of them use a non-supported version. So I asked why people use older versions of the framework (you can contribute here with your comments if you want), and of course, I knew more or less what the answers would be: Time – Budget – Dependencies.

This made me think about the following: What if there was an Angular Upgrade Service? A hands-on service you could subscribe to that would keep your projects up-to-date. Do you think that would be of interest?

I’m always looking for gaps to fill in the front-end development space. This is why I created the Angular certification program, the React certification program, and just helped launch a Javascript certification program!)

In any case, if you think you could use an Angular Upgrade Service, please let me know (respond to that email or reach out on LinkedIn – always happy to connect!), and I might beta-test that idea with you in the next quarter.

Syntax tricks for Angular HTML attribute bindings

What’s great about Angular is that the framework provides many different features out of the box. Some are well documented and widely known, while others are more obscure and less commonly used, though very useful.

For instance, there’s a ngClass directive to dynamically set classes to an element based on conditions:

In the above example, the button will have an active-btn CSS class if isActive is true, and a disabled-btn CSS class if isDisabled is true. That’s what the directive does.

But the thing is… We don’t need a directive to do that. I never use ngClass.

Instead, I do this:

It works the same way, and I’d argue that the syntax is slightly easier to understand. No directive needed.

On a different note, if you’ve ever tried to set the values of non-HTML attributes to an element, such as data-test for unit or end-to-end testing, you would find out that this syntax doesn’t work: [data-test]="value"

For these “unknown” HTML attributes, we need to use the following syntax: []="value"

And then all is fine.

How to use Jest for Angular Unit Tests?

Karma is deprecated, and the Angular team is working on official support for Jest and Web Test Runner. Today, I want to highlight how to set up your Angular project for Jest since it’s prevalent in the Javascript ecosystem (React, etc.). It’s super fast and 100% browserless, making running tests on a continuous integration server easy.

Also, the syntax is essentially the same as Jasmine/Karma, so you won’t have to change your tests much unless you do extensive mocking in Jasmine.

Here are the steps I’ve used on over 28 repositories so far, with great success:

  1. Uninstall Jasmine, Karma, and all associated types
    npm uninstall karma karma-chrome-launcher karma-coverage karma-jasmine karma-jasmine-html-reporter @types/jasmine jasmine-core

  2. Install Jest, its types, and presets for Angular
    npm i --save-dev jest @types/jest jest-preset-angular

  3. Create a setup-jest.ts file in your project’s root folder
    And add that single line of code in it:
    import 'jest-preset-angular/setup-jest';

  4. Create a jest.config.ts file in your project’s root folder with the following command
    npx jest — init

    Then ensure you have the following config options set in that file:
    preset: 'jest-preset-angular',
    setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./setup-jest.ts']

  5. Update your tsconfig.spec.json file

    Your compilerOptions should look like this:
    "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./out-tsc/spec",
    "types": [ "jest" ],
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true

  6. Last step: Update package.json
    In the scripts section, replace the test entry with:
    "test": "jest",

And… that’s it! You can now launch npm run test to run your tests with Jest. Sure, a schematic would be better, but those steps take only 2-3 minutes to implement for now.