How to use toSignal() outside of an injection context?

If you’ve ever tried to convert an Observable into a Signal using the toSignal() function, you might have encountered the following error NG0203: toSignal() can only be used within an injection context:

This happens when you create an Observable outside of an injection context, which can happen if you want to download data when the user clicks on a button, for instance:

Can we make this work? Absolutely! The key is to access our injector and store it in a variable so we can pass it as a parameter to toSignal(). How to do that?

Interestingly enough, we can access our injector by… injecting it into our component:

Then, we pass it as an option to the toSignal() function:

And that’s it, problem solved! You can see the full code example on Stackblitz.

How to migrate Angular syntax to the latest features?

I posted about how to update your version of Angular a while back. Still, with the ongoing updates in the framework, such as standalone components, the new control flow syntax, and the inject() function, there are quite a few new options that aren’t required but can still be adopted widely.

For instance, if you want to remove your ngModules and go full-standalone; there’s a migration command for that:

This command will ask you about different options, such as removing unnecessary ngModules, and switching your AppComponent to standalone bootstrapping.

If you want to get rid of NgFor, NgIf, and the like, you can migrate automatically to the new control flow syntax with:

Another migration command was added in Angular 18.2. This one is to migrate your dependency injection syntax to use inject() instead of constructors:

Finally, and also added in Angular 18.2, is the migration to use lazy-loading on all routes:

This last command can be applied to a subset of routes by using the path argument:

The official documentation for all these migrations can be found here.

When you don’t need template-driven or reactive forms

A common misconception shared by many Angular developers is that if you have a form, you need to use template-driven or reactive forms to handle it.

The truth is, in most cases, simple forms don’t need any of that. Instead, you can use template reference variables. My favorite example is a login form:

The two template reference variables used in the above example are sufficient to capture the username and password when the user clicks the log-in button. There is no need for extra complexity!

We lose some features along the way, such as reactivity to changes and automatic form validation. For instance, if I use this expression, the value will not change unless the component gets refreshed by another change:

This is because no Angular event listener triggers change detection when the form input value changes. But again, for my example of the log-in form, it doesn’t matter.

You can check out a live example here where I capture updates when the user clicks a button to emulate some reactivity. For anything more complex than such an example, using template-driven or reactive forms makes perfect sense.

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