What’s new in Angular 17.1?

Angular 17.1 brings new features to the framework and goes one step further towards signal-based components with the introduction (as a developer preview) of Signal inputs.

What’s a Signal input?

Instead of using the @Input decorator, we can now use the input() function from @angular/core. This function creates an input value that is received as a signal. Here is an example:

Since name is a signal, it can be read like so:

There are several benefits to that approach. For instance, you can derive a value from that input without using ngOnInit or ngOnChanges. Instead, we can use computed:

You can see the above code in action on Stackblitz.

The new API also supports required inputs with the input.required function to ensure a value is passed to the component/directive:


We can now pass information to a route using the info option as follows:

Or using the router service:

This info object is not persisted in the browser session history, unlike the state option, which can also be used to pass data to a route.

Application builder migration

If you still need to migrate to the new Vite-based application builder, you can do so with one simple CLI command now:

ng update @angular/cli --name=use-application-builderCode language: CSS (css)

Unit tests without a browser

Another exciting update is an addition to the ng test command so you can run your unit tests without opening a browser, which is perfect for continuous integration, for instance:

ng test --no-browsers

These are the most essential changes in Angular 17.1. I’d say it’s a pretty good release!

Need your input + some goodies

Welcome to the first edition of the Weekly Angular Newsletter! With this new weekly format comes the option to do things differently, such as more in-depth tutorials, code challenges, or audio/video content.

As a result, I would like to collect your input by filling out this form. That way, I’ll know what content works best for you, which topics you want me to cover, and in which format. I pre-selected a few options in the form, but feel free to submit completely different ideas if needed. Thanks a lot!

Free conference tickets, anyone?

I’ll speak at DeveloperWeek 2024 soon, in-person in the San Francisco Bay Area and Online a week later. The organizers allowed me to share free tickets with you so you can attend the conference in person or remotely. You can register here for free.

DeveloperWeek is a generalist developer conference with multiple tracks and topics: AI and machine learning, web, Dev Ops, APIs and micro-services, and more. My talk will be about Cypress, and you can also register for my free online workshop for similar content.

Finally, I’m also speaking at ng-conf 2024 this year! I have ONE $225 discount code to give away, and the first person to reply to this email will get the code so they can enjoy a discounted ticket to the best Angular conference in the world!

My talk at ng-conf will be a 2-hour workshop on server-side rendering with Angular! I hope to see many of you there. In the meantime, don’t forget to give me your input, claim a free conference ticket, and get ready for next week’s post!